Art has been an intrinsic part of human civilization since the beginning of time, profoundly shaping our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. While its aesthetic appeal is undeniable, the significance of Christian art extends far beyond mere visual pleasure. It catalyzes introspection, empathy, and hope, fostering a deeper connection with the transcendent and the divine.

About Us

MATILDA POPE is a small Catholic Apostolate devoted to a grand mission - to sanctify the world. Driven by a deep sense of purpose, our calling is to create a body of work that reconnects individuals with their faith and ignites a profound relationship with the Lord. In a world brimming with distractions and noise where the pursuit of materialism often eclipses the quest for spiritual fulfillment, we believe in the transformative power of Christian art to awaken the dormant sense of hope.

Our Mission

We aspire to break down barriers and bridge gaps, fostering understanding and inclusivity in matters of faith. Our creations invite people from all walks of life to embark on a personal journey of self-reflection, where they can encounter God's timeless wisdom and love. As we labor in our studio, we understand the weight of our responsibility. We know that Christian art has the potential to touch lives, awaken dormant faith, and inspire a return to God. It is a calling that fills our days with purpose and fuels our creativity, reminding us of the immense power within the arts.

Our Collection

Every piece of art within our exclusive collection is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the unwavering presence of God's grace. It invites all who encounter it to participate in a sacred dialogue, allowing the artwork to speak to the depths of our souls and inspire a renewed sense of purpose and belief. Whether it's the gentle illustration that depicts biblical narratives, the photographs that embody profound spiritual concepts, or the vibrant colors of a painting that evoke joy and exuberance, each piece resonates with a deep depth of meaning, calling us to embrace our journeys of faith, rekindle the embers of hope that may have flickered within, and find solace in the transformative power of divine love.

“Our mission is to inspire Christian living, bringing Christ back into the center of our homes. ”

Discover More

KINDRED Bibles offer a fresh approach to bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and contemporary life. The Bible holds timeless truths relevant to our modern existence, and KINDRED presents them in a manner that resonates with individuals from all walks of life, regardless of religious backgrounds.

The KINDRED Bibles collection is a contemplative approach that embraces the essence of mindfulness, inviting readers to slow down, savor each Word, and delve into the depths of the text's profound wisdom, encouraging a personal and transformative connection with Scripture.